Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bunny trails of the mind...and my mom...

I don't know about you but my mind travels a great deal in the span of a few seconds. Today there are so many random thoughts traveling through it I thought that I would just take a minute and let you "travel" with me...

A week ago my sister and I spent time in Seattle and that got me thinking about my mom. Her birthday is on April 30 so I usually think about her around this time, but lately there have been so many times I see and hear her...

When we were in Seattle, I wanted to call her and tell her how much fun we were having. She would have been so happy that we were spending time together. We could have told her what we were laughing about and she would have laughed too.
Sandy and I saw lots of necklaces and broaches that mom would have loved...and she would have worn because she got them from us. That is one thing I do remember about mom. One year for Christmas, I gave her purple bell earrings. They were sooooo pretty. Mom wore them every time she left the house. It wasn't until I was much older that I asked her about them. I remembered them and in my "advanced" age, I remembered that they were pretty ugly!!! That's when she let me in on a little secret. She did wear them EVERY time she left the house and in her pocket was the pair that she would wear throughout the whole evening, only to replace them with the purple bells before she came into the house. You know, I didn't feel deceived, I really felt loved.

When I came home, I had to do a coffee at the Funeral Home and so I got ready and then spied my mom's beads. I decided to put them on and wear them. There were a couple of people who said something but mostly, they just looked. They didn't know that they weren't the "in" thing. They were old and they were mom's.

This week I was talking to my sister. She was having some problems with her blood pressure and so I checked on her a couple of times since Jerry, her husband, was out of town. At one point I asked her if she was going to share a symptom with the doctor and she said, in perfect Erna manner, "well, if he asks the right question." Mom always waited until the doctor asked the right questions before she would tell him what was wrong. Thus...her doctor and I would email back and forth and I would feed him the "right" questions. Sandy also told me that "her feet worked, her hands worked, and her mouth worked and because of that she was blessed" which is another response that I got from mom in her later years.

And she loved the camera. I think what I miss the most is having her get to know the people that I know now. I would have liked her to come out and see where we lived and she wanted to so badly. I would like to share what Simon and Mazie say. How Jane and Andy are doing. What Betsy and Jon are doing in Omaha. There are so many things to share. Thankfully, I have a sister a lot like her...she has her hands and her feet and her mouth...and we can laugh about the grammieisms that come up.

Yep, her birthday is coming up. I miss her. She was some lady. She was my mom.

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