Thursday, June 9, 2011

Last Day in the East*

*It always cracks me up when friends here ask when I am going "east" to the Midwest....

Good bye has always been hard. Yesterday was no different! I knew it was going to be hard...we went to Emma's daycare and washed her hands and dropped her off...Nana cried...Emma rolled!

I am so thankful for my husband who misses me but allows me to spend this time with our kids. I love watching the changes that occur in the time I spend with my grandchildren. I love the women that our daughters have become. I love the men in their lives and how they enrich both of our girls in such a variety of ways. I love seeing my daughters happy in their lives and how God is using each of them in their lives. I love seeing the love that others have for them. I love knowing that there are people when I am not there that they can call and they will get the support that they need. What a perfect blessing to spend this time with them.

Oh, and I already know when I will be back. See you in September and October. I love you!

As a special time last night...I slept in my own bed.

God is so good....How I praise Him for his abundant life He has given me.

On Tuesday, Jane suggested coffee so we loaded up in the car and headed out for coffee...then, Emma and I walked home. Later, Emma and I walked to meet Betty for lunch...
Emma loves her books which thrills her Nana. Simon and Mazie love books and stories. When our girls were little, they loved books.
The night before Betsy turned 6, she told me she was so excited for her birthday. When questioned about what she was excited presents? new age? Nope, she was going to get her own library card!!!!!

When Jane was little, we would scoured her room for 2 types of contraband...light and books. We would have to empty the room of everything or she would read for hours!!! And she was very creative in hiding We even had to remove her nightlight!

We love our sons-in-law because of the richness that they bring to our family. One of the blessings is the relationship that we have with Jon's parents. God has given us a special bond and what a privilege that we share children and grandchildren too.
Emma was pretty sleepy on Tuesday. She took lots of little cat naps. After one nap, we were getting ready to walk to pick up Jane after her hair appointment. We were both hot and her little pool was set up still so instead of popping into the shower...I put her swimsuit on and my suit on and off we went to the pool...Unfortunately, the sun was not giving us a break so after about 15 minutes in the pool, I explained that the sun is not good for little girls...picked her up and headed up to change clothes. Oh my...our little girl was NOT happy about leaving the pool. She cried and let me know that this was NOT her plan!!!
We waited for Andy to come home and off we went to walk to pick up Jane. She turns 30 in a few days (Andy turned 30 in May) and she now looks like one hot Mama! Happy Birthday Jane! We celebrated their birthdays and Emma and I talked about our big day!!! How very fun to spend the day in Fargo with the McCoys.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


okay, so I know how to spell smiles and other words but somehow when I publish my posts and I forget to spell check, I can't go back and correct them...Sory for awl the miss spellings...I will tri to remember nekst tyme.....And yes, I do need to proof them...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No Daycare for Emma...Fun with Nana

Emma didn't go to daycare this week! And Nana LOVED her time with her! She is such a funny little girl. She is smiles and giggles. She is cuddly and snugglie. She is fire and ice. She is a study of contrasts that make her so...Emma.
She is a lint picker...she can find a piece of fuzz after the carpet has been vaccuumed.
She can find a tag as fast as anything right now and she loves tags.
She knows her mom and her daddy and hopefully, she now knows her nana.
She way and now will not get mad when she is rolled the other way...
She loves her hippo, her big dog, and her blankets...
When we were in Newport, RI, before our little Emma was born, we bought her this outfit...
"When God made me...He was just showing off!"
And He outdid himself with this one...(just as He has done with our girls, their "boys", and their children...)
Emma loves her toes and thinks this is a most comfortable pose....
While we were playing, the bucket became a holder of toys and she had to find the toys over and over. She liked searching the "bottom" of the bucket for her horse and her mirror...
Chew it! Dump it! Chew it! Dump it! What a busy day!Mirror, Mirror in my hand
who's the fairest in the land?
If it's me
then let me see
Simles and giggles extreemly grand!
We did have good times during the day!!!

Sunday with Emma and Jane...

Emma had her very first bath on Sunday morning in the BIG bathtub. She had such a good time. We had some time to play but we did have to get ready for church.
Emma put on her tutu and she was ready to sing in church.
We got to church and they were singing Simon's favorite song:
My Savior, he can move the mountains....
My God is awesome to save....
And I think that it may be Emma's favorite song too because she bounced and bounced up and down to the beat. Next time Simon comes to see Emma, he will have to sing it for her...I know she will love it!!
It was very hot outside when we got home after lunch. Jane went out and blew up the pool ALL BY HERSELF and we all went swimming.
A bath in a big tub and a swim in the pool outside...such a fun day of firsts.
She did like her pool..
But much like her Mama...she really just enjoys relaxing in the water. I see many days of pool time for Emma and Jane in the future...
After being a duck...Emma became a duck.....All wrapped up and snuggie warm in Jane's arms.
After swimming, we loaded up in the car and went to Betty and Carl's for ice cream cake.
Emma thinks that Betty and Carl are wonderful!!! She loves Carl's big booming voice and who doesn't love Betty.
Sunday with Emma...Nana loved the day!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A day with Emma....and a project!!!!

Jane and I ran around for a bit today getting some things done...It wasn't too hot..
but the fun started when we picked up Andy.
First we went out to lunch. Emma tried a new way to eat baby food and LOVED it. I was so impressed!!! WAY easier than what I did...Just suck up that applesauce!!!!
Emma LOVES her daddy...Andy was trying to help us with the cement for the Emma stepping stones...but Emma had a different idea. I am pretty sure that these two have an incredible love going on!!!!
It took all 3 of us to wrangle Emma into the cement and get the prints so we didn't get a picture of the process but the finished product is fabulous!!!!
One for Nana
One for Gramma Lynn in Florida
One for Grampa Frank in Williston
and one for Mom and Dad!
Aren't they so very pretty!!!
[Editor's comment: Jane had to be reminded of her "pumpkin" decorating days. When she was little, she would LOVE to decorate pumpkins. They would get so cute and then she kept going and going and then, it wasn't so cute. She just couldn't stop. So when she was asking if she should add this or that...I just said..."Jane, Pumpkins!"]
I told Simon that I was going to make stepping stones with Emma's prints and then I would have 2 stones. One with Mazie and Simon and one with Emma. He wanted to know if I was going to make one of Emma's for Gramma Betty (Jon's Mom)...when I said no, he said, "That's not fair. Gramma only gets one and you get two."
Betsy and I tried to explain that I have grandchildren from 2 families and Gramma Betty has only Simon and Mazie. It still wasn't fair...and really, Gramma Betty is pretty special to Emma.
But this stepping's just for Andy and Jane's grandparents.
Andy gave Emma a flower because she was just a little too far away from the bush. She spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how to hold it before she checked it out in her mouth....
Love her intense concentration in working those little fingers together....she does a great job with those fingers!
Andy was on call last night and is on call tomorrow. It was fun hanging out with all of them today. Tonight is date night and I am so excited.
You see, I have an amazing date with a very special little girl.
Jane and Andy are going out on a date...but I am pretty sure that MY date is going to be way more fun!!!!
Hmmmm...what can we do? Popcorn? Cookies? Hot dogs? or how about just a "spoonful of sugar" makes the medicine go down....

On the road again...

For those of you who aren't counting but are getting confused...let me do a quick recap from May 16...
Seattle to Omaha...plane
Omaha to
Fargo to
Omaha to Fargo...truck
Fargo to Omaha...truck
Omaha to Sioux Falls, SD...Truck
Sioux Falls, SD to Fargo...SUV
Betsy and I drove from Omaha to Sioux Falls, SD to meet Jane and Emma. It had been a long time since Betsy had seen either Jane OR Emma so the reunion was fabulous.

Betsy loves her only niece. She had a good time holding and kissing her. She told her over and over that Betsy is Emma's favorite aunt. (Editor's note: It wasn't until last night that when I would see my nephews, Scott, Mike, and Jeremy that I thought that I was their ONLY aunt. I remember being quite put out when I realized I WASN'T their ONLY aunt.)

Betsy tried to be very helpful and even changed Emma's diapers. It has been a long time changing diapers because the diaper wasn't placed in the right place and so...when NANA when to pick Miss Emma up out of the car seat...Nana got a surprise...all over.... :-) We had a good time teasing Auntie Betsy, Emma and I did. She did ask that Auntie not change her diaper again without specific lessons...Emma was placed in an embarrassing situation for a moment.

Silly Aunt Betsy carries a magnificent bag. She has EVERYTHING in there!!! She is a regular Mary Poppins. She can find and fit anything in there...
Nana was told...please don't feed my child anything.
Auntie Betsy said...Want a Lemon, Emma.
Emma said...Ewuuuuuuu! That is a shocker.
Auntie Betsy said...Want a pickle.
Emma said: hmmmm. I don't know if I like it or not.
I came home with Emma and Jane. Emma is a fabulous little traveler but she was ready for her own house. Before her quick bath before bed...she couldn't stop jumping...with help. What a fun little girl.
As I look at my girls and their children, I am so proud of them. They are good moms. They have beautiful children. And if you don't's okay...because...well, Nana knows the truth.
Can't wait for the fun today!!!!

Competition...sibling? NOPE...Spouses!!!

On the way to breakfast the next morning, Mazie and Simon had the "who can be quietest the longest" game. Simon was the first to talk so Mazie was told the game was over...she pointed to her daddy and said, he hadn't talked. Yep, the game was between Mazie and Jon...Let's just say, Mazie still didn't win....Jon can be very stubborn. He never reads these so I can say stuff like that.
At the restaurant, the kids got the kids meal coloring sheet. Betsy (who almost always never wins in a head to head with Jon) challenged Jon to the word search.
The pressure was great, the kids cheered for the favorite...
The usual....the same....enough said.
Better luck next time, Bets!

They are HOME!!!!! And they were missed!!!

Usually when Simon and Mazie go to the airport, they wait in the car until we can pull up after the bags are picked up...NOT ON WEDNESDAY!!!!
We surprised them when they came off the plane!!!

A very quick interactive story....Get ready to do actions!!!

Every once in a while, you have to do the actions or it just doesn't make sense. So get ready for audience participation in this one.
Emma has some problems....keeping her food down...with reflux....okay, she is a puker...and Jane would be the first to admit it.
When we were in Fargo last weekend, Mazie was talking and playing with her favorite cousin happened. Mazie went running to Jane and said:
Janie, your baby just spit....
Audience participation: place your hands at your chin, palms up.
Now extend your hands STRAIGHT out...
Mazie continued: OUT!

Projects for Mom and Dad before they come home!

I thought that making stepping stones for Betsy and Jon would be fun. We had fun in Fargo with Auntie Jane and so let's continue the fun with Nana. Ummmmm....there was a missing ingredient in the "fun with cement" with Nana...Yep....Auntie Jane. Seems that there is a trick to making cement...cement and not....mmmmm....too wet! But....I mixed up a sloppy cement mixture and then we had to let it set...what a better place to go than...Red Mango. We had to celebrate and in Nana's mind...nothing says celebration than ice cream!!! So we set off for our celebration!
We headed home for the printing and decoration. We had skyped Betsy and Jon and they told us about the sea glass they were finding so we decorated our stepping stones with sea glass to remind them of their trip to Puerto Rico when they looked at the stones.
Simon decorated a square stone and...

Mazie did the flowered pattern....

Two very proud kiddos...BUT...

PS. Sloppy Cement causes cracks and makes for very sad kiddos. SUPER JON to the rescue ... Jon came home and fixed the cracks. Next time...maybe we will do this project with oh...Papa, Andy, Jane, and if it isn't a surprise...SUPER JON!

Mazie graduates from Preschool!!!!

Mazie was so excited to see me come to her class on Wednesday morning. Her class was sitting all ready for the big ceremony. And what a ceremony it was!!!!
There was singing...the days of the week song, the months of the year song, and here the building song...with actions....Mazie LOVES action!!!
Each student was able to come up and get their diploma from their teachers. Then the pose with each student. This is Nana running a camcorder AND taking a still picture...even Mrs. Deckert thought that was pretty good. On the way home from school, I asked Mazie if she knew this girl. She got all excited because it was Emily, her favorite babysitter. Emily has been in college this year so every time she sees her she gets very excited. What could get better than getting out of the truck and seeing Emily on graduation day??????
Walking to the courtyard to play for a bit with will the fun ever stop?
What precious times. Mazie introduced me to all the kids in her class. She wanted me to know all of them. She is such a precious little girl.

Last day of School...

It was a pretty early morning for the Tengesdals. We had to get ready for that last day of kindergarten and graduation from preschool. It was an exciting day in itself...
but it was packed with things to get ready because...
Mom and Dad are coming home today TOO!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last night...tonight...Boys Town and US

Dear Betsy and Jon

Dear Betsy and Jon,
You are on the plane and coming home today. I want to share some fears and thoughts with you. When I said I would be here for a week, I did have fears. I was afraid that the mothering skills that I had in the past would return and I would be impatient with the kids. I was afraid that I would count the hours until you were coming home. I was afraid that living in 720 square feet would send me over the edge. I was afraid to drive with the kids alone. I had nightmares of Lacy being run over by a car. I was afraid that one of the kids would get sick and I wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Let me begin by saying none of those fears were a reality. I know you are excited to come home and see your kids. I am excited for you to see them but a little part of me is sad that this experience is going to end. If it is possible, I love your kids even more than I did before. It has been a treat to be here. There has not been one moment that I wondered if I was going to make it.
I loved seeing Simon improve in TKD in just the 3 weeks that I watched him. He has really taken to the sport and is doing a good job of it. He is such a neat little boy. He really is a little man. He takes his responsibilities seriously and I love him so much. He has been my helper and teacher. When I had questions, I knew that Simon would know the answer. The things that he has said and the things that he has done while I was here will be a treasure trove for many years. What a blessing he is in our lives. He is so appreciative of things that you do for him and rarely forgets to thank people.
Miss Mazie. How do you even describe a delight like Mazie? We have had NO "No Kissing Nana Days!" Yesterday she said, "Nana, I don't want my mom and dad to come home...I want you to stay here with us." What a joy that after a week together we didn't feel like we could hardly wait until our time was over. She has caused me to giggle and burst with pride. She has been such a responsible little hearing aid wearer. She has her own fashion sense and I love it (She was forbidden to wear her rain boots today, 3 days to school was enough.) When she saw her clean room after school the first day she said, "Wow Nana...I love it." She loves to hide her sheets in the morning. She may have a few more dirty clothes because her clothes hamper is really special to her. Mazie makes people feel so special and her animals also make people feel so cared for.
Lacy is still alive at this writing. She has run. I have looked for her. I have cried and prayed that I would find her and she still insists on sleeping with me.
It hasn't been perfect. I have missed buses. Gotten hopelessly lost. Gotten to places late or on the stroke of on time. I have gotten lectured by the bus driver. I have been reminded about time from him SEVERAL times. I have set the alarms off and have had to have other family teachers come to the apartment to help me.
Thank you for this time. I loved this time. I loved going to TKD, to Graduation, to Fargo to spend time with Gma and Gpa and Jerod and Jane and Emma. It was fun to see Emma through the eyes of her cousins. I loved story time and movie time. I loved the little time we had to go outside. I loved bath time and snuggle time. I loved eating peanutbutter sandwiches with them and watching cartoons with them. I loved telling them stories and having them be so attentive and help me with the plot line. I loved every moment of the day. Thank you for going to Coco Rico and letting me stay here.
I love you and am excited for you to come home because I know that you have missed these little munchkins. I have to say, it will be hard for me to say good bye on Friday morning when I leave for Fargo.
Love, Nana, Lois, & Mom