Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 1st Anniversary Andy and Jane

Something other than the photographer caught several of the wedding party's eyes. October 6, 2007 was a perfect October day...far from typical in North Dakota. Andy and Jane were married. That was one year ago and in some regards it seems longer ago in other ways, I can still feel the warmth of that day and the joy that we felt.

In one year, they have seen so many changes:

~ Jane moved to Rochester

~ Andy worked with the Mayo Brothers and Jane started a new job in the Rochester schools and another with a private therapy company

~They went to Chicago to see the river turn green

~ Honed their skills at taking self portraits (in Chicago for this one, but I have a ton of self portraits I could have added!

~ Went to Washington, DC for the cherry festival and learned and enjoyed scooters to get around.
~ Said good bye to the Mayo Brothers. Obviously, Jane was closer to the Mayo's than she thought...

~ Came to Ferndale for the first Aafedt/Mueller (Linda's side) family reunion, Went to Seaside, OR . Did I mention that Jane broke her leg doing the electric slide at a wedding dance and used a wheel chair when she was out here?

Lots of adventures and lots of changes. Some of them were exciting, others were viewed as challenges.
When Andy and Jane found out they were moving to Fargo, Betsy (Jane's sister and best friend), Jon, Simon and Mazie (the moon and the sun set on Auntie Jane for Simon, Mazie ~ she is definitely an Uncle Andy fan!) moved to Omaha, NE. Changes aren't always easy and this won't be the first year for the moves that are in their future.
On Andy and Jane's wedding program, the verse that they chose was the one from Ruth:
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. your people will be my people and your God my God..."
When Jane told her sister that she was engaged, she said that they went to Whatcom Falls (Bellingham, WA) and Andy took the leap. One year ago, they leaped together as One in Christ. God has plans for them. Plans that are perfect. Plans that involve change. Plans that will stretch them and complete them. He is the One who guides and directs them. This is the one year mark of years that He has planned for them.

Continue to lift this couple up as they seek to follow after Christ. God has and will continue to bless them.


Mickey said...

Great to see the kids. Greetings from NDSCS, the music man and wife

Mickey said...

Can't believe she is happily married. Time marches on. Congratulations to you all. Special greetings to mom and dad

Tengesdal 4 said...

Yahoo Janie & Andy :)
Truth be told, I was of the belief that their anniversary was 10/7.... i liked it better than 10/6... but now I wish it was 10/4 so that when they say their anniversary they can say "10/4 good buddy".... and "trucker speak"... that'd be cool!!!