Friday, October 7, 2011

Race Day...OMAHA 10K

Several months ago, my massage therapist encouraged me to sign up for the 10K (which is really 6.2 miles) in Omaha, Nebraska. She mentioned that I would be able to spend time with Bets, Jon, Simon, and Mazie AND do the race. I knew that I would not be able to run so I started training for my WACE which is a Race that you WALK!!! I had a great idea...I called my sister from Billings and challenged her to walk and keep track of our miles and when we met each other, we would really find a place to meet. I thought it sounded like a great idea.

My massage therapist kept me on track...with snarky remarks like: Oh, Mom did 4 miles this morning (NOTE: her mom is 76 years old!!!) So when I finished the race...I logged over 100 miles. I was so excited that I was able to do this...And all of the snarky remarks made by Diane (Massage therapist) was worth was really a great day.

Gramma Betty and Grampa Carl made signs. They tried to find me but didn't get to see the signs until they came to the finish line. I loved it!!! But who wouldn't love much glitter.

To have cheerleaders like this is such an amazing blessing. I loved seeing them and loved their excitement and joy for their mom and dad!!!

Betsy and I took our picture together at the finish line. It really was great...she ran 13.15 miles and it was her first time. She trained and completed the race. She did great! Well done Bets!
Yep, training and completing the race that God has before us...that is what it is all about. Each day we train in little things that God has placed before us...and when we finish...we love hearing...well done from our Heavenly Father!

Here is just one reason I love my son-in-law, Jon! Before the race, during training, he would encourage. He ran with her the entire race. He kept asking...are you okay? He encouraged her and they crossed the line together....How I praise God for this gift to one of my daughters.

(Yep, I have another one that I praise God for too!!!)

I am so glad that Diane pushed me...Her mom and I came across the line together...I am glad that Bets also encouraged me by the consistency that she trained.
As a PS...I think that I will have to "walk all the way to Billings before I can see my sister...but I really don't mind...when I log the miles...I will be so excited to see her!!!
So....what does this mean? Maybe that I would do a 15 K this winter and next spring...Fargo half's a goal,,,,and it will take training...
Thanks Diane, Thanks Katie (Diane's mom), Betsy and Jon, Simon and Mazie (my favorite cheerleaders), Carl and Betty (who made the signs...with all the glitter and tried to get the kids to cheer for me.)...and most of husband who has been supportive and has lived the last 2 weeks at home while I am here....
God is so good to me!

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