Saturday, June 4, 2011

Projects for Mom and Dad before they come home!

I thought that making stepping stones for Betsy and Jon would be fun. We had fun in Fargo with Auntie Jane and so let's continue the fun with Nana. Ummmmm....there was a missing ingredient in the "fun with cement" with Nana...Yep....Auntie Jane. Seems that there is a trick to making cement...cement and not....mmmmm....too wet! But....I mixed up a sloppy cement mixture and then we had to let it set...what a better place to go than...Red Mango. We had to celebrate and in Nana's mind...nothing says celebration than ice cream!!! So we set off for our celebration!
We headed home for the printing and decoration. We had skyped Betsy and Jon and they told us about the sea glass they were finding so we decorated our stepping stones with sea glass to remind them of their trip to Puerto Rico when they looked at the stones.
Simon decorated a square stone and...

Mazie did the flowered pattern....

Two very proud kiddos...BUT...

PS. Sloppy Cement causes cracks and makes for very sad kiddos. SUPER JON to the rescue ... Jon came home and fixed the cracks. Next time...maybe we will do this project with oh...Papa, Andy, Jane, and if it isn't a surprise...SUPER JON!

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