Monday, August 2, 2010

100 Things About me....

If you didn't want to know 100 things about may want to skip this posting. These are in no specific order...more like random thoughts...a challenge that was set forth by my daughter, Betsy, and my friend, Merry!

1. I love Jesus. I want to know more about Him and I really want to do what pleases Him.

2. I like to keep my relationship with Steve, my husband, fresh. Now we are practicing kissing as described by romance novels. (I narrate and that seems to be very intimate...okay, Steve usually ends up laughing...even when he has been prepped on how to respond)

3. I love seeing my girls, even at ages 32 and 29. I miss them like crazy and usually can't go for longer than 3 months without touching them and talking to them face to face.

4. I am "one of those grandmothers." I love sharing pictures of Simon and Mazie, love telling stories about them, love playing with them, love making things for them...I just love them. And I am so excited that we are going to have another grandchild in November...and there will be more pictures and more stories!

5. I am blessed to have my 2 sons-in-law. They have added so much to our family and I love they way that they love our daughters.

6. I love going to seminary...I love papers and just learning!

7. I HATE acupuncture.

8. I love my massages.

9. The idea of having a dog appeals to me, but the reality of it (poop, piddles, and puke) just doesn't excite me.

10. I love where I live. I love being able to drive somewhere for an hour or two and see something that I have never seen before.

11. I love seeing starfish--I never knew they were purple and orange!

12. Aquariums are my favorite.

13. I am not excited about trying new food things. Whenever I go out, I am usually stuck on one thing because I am afraid I won't like something new.

14. I do not like to put myself out there and introduce myself to new people.

15. I don't say a word when I am in class at ACTS.

16. I am a control freak and like to be in charge because then we can do it my way.

17. I hate to clean house.

18. I love to drink coffee. I love the strength of coffee out here in the Pacific Northwest.

19. I write books all of the time in my head.

20. I love seeing how God works things out in my life.

21. I love flowers and our yard...I hate weeding it and don't even like watering it.

22. I don't take out the garbage, I think this is a man's job...along with mowing the lawn, etc.

23. I have never liked washing windows. *I think if you read this, you could figure out that the windows need to be washed, the house needs to be cleaned, and the weeds are peeping through the bark.

24. I love getting flowers.

25. Okay, I love getting gifts. I would be the last one to say, let's not give gifts this year...

26. I can be extremely jealous, especially with my time with my family.

27. I think that I could stay at home and not go out of the house for long periods of time.

28. BUT I love being with people.

29. God has given me an amazing group of friends.

30. I hate cross word puzzles.

31. I can't put a puzzle together because I can't see the pictures and would rather get a scissors and FIT the pieces.

32. I am afraid of the dark and when I am alone, I sleep with the lights on all over the house.

33. I don't balance my checking account.

34. I had a rabbit named Tigger that I really did like! But I don't want another one.

35. I can see the big picture in a project but the little details sometimes escape me.

36. I love to be creative.

37. I love sewing but hate starting a project.

38. I love to entertain and really don't see it as difficult.

39. My house's appearance has become less important since we moved to Washington.

40. I am very insecure.

41. Even though I hate to admit it...I am addicted to my Blackberry and blame my children for the new obsession.

42. I love blueberries and love picking them.

43. I like working at the funeral home with Steve. We make a good team. But I wouldn't want to work full time. :-)

44. I have to convince myself that I want to go outside in the summer but in the winter, I can't wait for summer so I can go outside.

45. I love chocolate.

46. When we go somewhere, we aren't gone long before I think I should have ice cream.

47. I miss my mom.

48. I am glad that my sister and I are good friends.

49. I love being good friends with Jon's parents. We enjoy each other's company and look forward to spending time together.

50. I love decorating for Christmas but usually have had to convince my family that it is fun to put a tree up in every room of the house.

51. At Christmas I have several groups of people over to the house...the funeral home ladies and some dear ladies from our church whom I love very much are my favorites. Oh and the soup supper for our small group...I like to have people over...

52. I like to paint...walls not canvas...instead of washing them.

53. I love going to the water and just looking out to see what I can see. We have seen orcas, seals, starfish, crabs, clams, and most recently....a rat!

54. Looking at Mount Baker never ceases to thrill me...we can see it from our house. It is so majestic and a reminder of the awesomeness of God.

55. I am scared to death of height...therefore, traveling to Mount Baker is not a fun outing for me.

56. A perfect vacation? Water, sand, a book, and no rushing around.

57. Went to Hawaii and didn't love it. I liked it. We saw a lot...didn't love it.

58. I wish more friends could see where we live.

59. My one regret with my mom...she didn't get to see where we lived before she died.

60. I am so impressed with Boy's Town and what they do for kids.

61. I don't miss being a Speech Pathologist.

62. I love being retired but wish I would have something that I could work when I want, have unlimited vacation time, decide when I have had enough....

63. I love traveling.

64. I love to read...usually historical novels or light murder mysteries.

65. I love Leverage, NCSI (and NCIS-LA), and the types of shows that you have to figure out who "done it" or contains a good con!

66. I have nightmares if I watch too gory a show/movie.

67. I love to go to mindless, predictable movies so I don't have to think but do like a good con artist plot!!!

68. I love burnt hot dogs and burnt marshmallows for s'mores but have tried to get a golden brown marshmallow.

69. My mind is going pretty much non stop when I am awake.

70. I am so thankful that God has given me my husband. I am not sure anyone else could put up with me like he does.

71. I love our church.

72. I love living close to Steve's sister and husband.

73. I HATE the cold. and I will complain about the cold.

74. I LOVE the heat...and I won't complain about how hot it is. It gives me justification to complain when it is cold.

75. I would love to have a favorite color but just can't decide on what color that would be.

76. New adventures excite and frighten me at the same time.

77. For about 5 days, I thought I crossed the line and thought I loved exercising. It didn't last.

78. I have a hard time staying with anything.

79. I do not like to do the same thing over and over. One type of craft isn't going to work for me. Been there, done that is my motto with crafts, etc.

80. Knitting did not relax me.

81. I would love to paint pictures but the pictures in my head, never turn out on paper.

82. I love taking pictures. I love old rusty, weathered buildings.

83. I think that cemeteries are really neat and I would like going through them.

84. I am a horrible speller.

85. Math isn't much better...

86. I love to talk and love descriptive words.

87. I love word pictures and authors who can make the print come alive. When I read a book, it is always a motion picture in my mind.

88. I like reading classic novels like...The Secret Garden, The Count of Monte Christo, The Little Princess...

89. When I taught, my favorite age was high school.

90. I am always surprised when it is pointed out that I am shorter than someone. I think that I am the same height as everyone around me.

91. I am rebellious.

92. I didn't like turning 60...okay, I hated it and was depressed about it.

93. I love snorkeling and looking at everything that is under the water.

94. I have lots of unrealistic fears that no one knows about. And some that everyone knows about.

95. I am allergic to broccoli and bananas. Nobody gets that.

96. I want to be someone to whom others look up. I don't want to be a perfect model, just someone that when watching my life, you can learn from me.

97. I liked collecting all kinds of things (chickens, pigs, antiques...) and now I don't know what to do with them.

98. I am very content in the life that God has given me. I am thankful for the trials and the blessings. It is in the trials that I have grown, and the blessings have come from those same trials.

99. I have tried many times to pick a "life" verse in the Bible. One that in a nutshell describes how I feel, how I know that God loves me...I can't, I love just way too many verses.

100. I would love to memorize Scripture, but I can't, never could, and I can't remember the words to songs either...I have chosen to get very intimate with my concordance.

100 things about me. It's not a complete picture of me...but it's a glimpse of who I am, what I like, what I hate....

If I could only say one thing about me...I think it would have to be that I love seeing what God has in store for me for my life. I love His creativity and His creation. I love knowing that no matter what happens in my life, He is faithful. I look to Him for direction and when I choose His path...He takes me on a very interesting pathway. I love knowing that He loves me...all of me, my character, my quirks, and every aspect of my life that only He is aware of.

I love what He has done in my life. I love what He has to do in my life, I am not done, He will change me and mold me into the woman that He wants me to be.


Tengesdal 4 said...

Seriously? Bananas and Broccoli? Shoot! I just made the most delicious broccoli/banana torte and was going to send you the recipe.... awww Smack!

Hank McCleary said...

Wasn't that a gas?? I really enjoyed listing my 100 things, and wish more people would do it so I could read about them. If you and I ever have a slumber party-we are leaving on a nightlight!!!

Valerie said...

OK Lois, when are you going to start writing books, devotionals, inspirationals, something so I can be inspired and giggle at your words more often. Thanks. BTW it was good to see you the other day.