Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day at Moles...

Each Memorial Day, the cemetery is filled with flags. This year it was over 1400. Each of the flags has draped the casket of a Veteran. Each year we are reminded that it is because of these flags that we have freedom. We have freedom to gather together and pray. We have freedom to speak our minds, even if it is hurtful to a race of people or the very soldiers that are serving. We have the opportunity to live in the land who, despite all of its faults, all of the things that people speak out against...we are free. We do not need to fear if we leave our homes in a dress that is not accepted that we take our lives into our hands. We do not need to fear that our children will be hurt when a stray bomb hits our neighborhoods.
With our freedom comes the price. For me, it is the price to pray for our country in this dire and dark place in its history. It is to bow before the only One who can bring change to our land. It is to respond to a call to be lights in a dark world. If I look at the world and as it seemingly spins out of control in every corner of the universe, I would be fearful. I would wonder what my future holds. I would fear for my children and grandchildren. I would worry about friends when I can't see them.
For me, it isn't the world that I choose to look at! It is my Heavenly Father, the God of Creation, the Father of my Savior, Jesus, who I place my trust. That spurs me on to pray for my country and its leaders, my neighbors, my friends, and those who I encounter. It is the peace that I have when I pray for my children and their children and yes, their children's children.
So, Father, allow me to spread your joy to those who have not joy.
Let them see your light.
Protect our children and wrap your arms around them.
Come and invade our land with your Spirit and heal it with your power.

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