Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 1 Fun with Simon and Mazie

This morning, I woke up with Simon waiting patiently on the floor for me to open my eyes!!! He wanted to snuggle and let me tell you...he is the BEST snuggler and I LOVED every minute!
But it was breakfast time,
then getting ready for school,
off to meet the bus time
and he went to school.

Mazie was snugglie this morning too! A REAL treat from her...once Poppa gets here it won't be the same so I am savoring the minutes and hugs NOW!!!!
After a couple of errands which included:
we had to go home and get ready for school....
Remember my "plane" experiences...well, I can add buses to that...today, I took Mazie to the wrong place to meet her bus. Thankfully, Cliff drove around front after waiting for 5 minutes in the back. Mazie told me that he picked her up in the back...my response..."Silly girl, he does not. He comes to the front."
Silly Nana...listen to the children.
Now among other things...Mazie has an aMAZing imagination. Since I have been here, we have had wild animals running around...if you look carefully in this picture, you will see that she is holding a .... baby jaguar.... a real figment of her imagination!!!!

The Tengesdal household had one of the "important" people from Boys Town for supper so...Maz, Simon, and I set off for supper and then Simon's TKD. While I was watching Simon, Mazie made friends with another parent...whom she showed her bears-Laura and Jackson- she pointed out her Nana and her brother.
Mazie did watch Simon every once in a while and once when he did a great kick, she cheered...."Yeah Simon! Good job Simon" Until Simon caught my eye and asked me to make her be quiet. He was so subtle. He would kind of "point" with his eyes at Mazie and then put his finger to his lips...I had to indicate that he was heard and I would do my best!!!!
While I was watching Simon, Mazie came to me and asked if she could have orange juice. I told her...when we get home. Then, she came and asked if she could have strawberries...that was just a little too specific. I looked around and there was a mom with....yep....OJ and strawberries feeding her kids! I watched as Mazie just sidled right up to the table and joined in. When I went to rescue the mom...she said it was okay and then she said..."she is very social, isn't she?" Oh Yes, our little Mazie is a social butterfly...and she has a homing device when it comes to food.
While Mazie ate...Simon kicked! He yelled "I-e"! And he was so attentive. He watched the teacher and followed her instructions. He did such a great job and I was so proud of him. He takes this very seriously and he is on his 3rd belt!!!! I wanted to cheer..."Good job Simon" too...it's a good thing I didn't!
Mazie and the bears...Laura and Jackson! Some objects appear to be invisible because of a figment of her imagination!
Can I just say...I am completely in love with these two children.
Tonight, Mazie came in and with candy that someone shared with her...
She told me, "Nana, I feel so cared for." When I asked her if she had ever felt that way before...you guessed it...she had never felt this way before!
I have to say...when these 2 tell me over and over that they love me....give me kisses...even on my glasses....and hugs...I feel cared for!!!
Day 1 with Simon and Mazie....Fantastic...and this is ONLY day ONE!!!!! We have more to go!!!

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