Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where is Waldo???

Well, not really Waldo...But a puzzle none the less!
We went to Lynden tonight because it was the NW WA Fair....
And we go every year...
But this year...there was something missing...
Wonder if you can figure out what it was? I
'll give you LOTS of hints!
Yep! There was the Fabulous Fair Food like...
The Poffertjes...mmmmmmmm
The curly fries....way to much grease...was that it?
Friends...it's always fun to see friends...that couldn't be it? Could it?
The Cheesecake on a stick...no thank you....so THAT wasn't it!

New cutouts...and I had to pose with the tiger...and the panda...hmmmm?
Cute little bunnies...a whole barn full of them...just like always...
Chickens and ducks...yep...and a noisy barn of banty roosters crowing...well, THAT is the same too...
A lamb with striped pajamas...that was so funny...at least it usually would have been but tonight...well, it just lacked something....
But I don't think that was it...
was there...He gets bigger EVERY year...This year...6 feet tall and how much does he weigh? More than last year.
And there were cows with very cute faces...that is what Steve said...He loves these cows because they have such cute faces!

Donkeys, sheep, goats in dishes, llamas looking royal,
horses pulling wagons, and ponies looking shy.
We even saw a llama with a hairstyle that reminded us of one of our daughters...
no...you'll have to guess...
But, STILL, that wasn't it.
Seemed like EVERYTHING was there that is usually there...

Then...well, it really wasn't hard to figure out what was different.
For the first time in 5 years...
Monkey one and Monkey two
Family one and family two
daughter one and daughter two
sons-in-law...they were missing too...

And then...again...I realized just how much I miss these people!
Oh, we'll see them soon...
Jane comes this weekend...but not Andy...
And over Labor Day...we'll see Betsy, Jon, Simon, and Mazie...
But for today...I miss them like crazy...
and the WA Fair????
It just wasn't the same...

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