Friday, August 28, 2009

Said Good bye to the Oregon coast and headed north...

We reluctantly said good bye to the Oregon Coast and headed toward Portland.

We have a trusty little GPS that we fondly, we put in my nephew's address and were confident that we would end up at their house...

Little Maggie took us SOUTH...and we were headed (because we finally got out the map that is always in the car) to McCoy, Oregon....
Perfect Photo op...unfortunately, McCoy isn't big enough to have a "Welcome to McCoy, OR" sign outside its town limits, we had to settle for a picture of McCoy standing pointing to McCoy road...

Maggie, you added at least 2 hours to our trip...not so much fastest, Maggie!

We had a great time and hated to see it end as we dropped Jane off and headed North ...we loved the coast! God's hand is so evident everywhere we looked. His creative genius continues to amaze me.

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