O Lord, You know me in ways that no human can even conceive. It is only You who know my innermost thoughts and my fears and my insecurities. You give me confidence when I struggle and humility when I become too proud.
You know when I get up in the morning and you know the totality of my day. It is laid out before you like a tapestry, woven with your love and your presence. You know the choices that I will make. You know what I am thinking and everything that I do is familiar to you.
I don't know what I will say, yet, before a word is even formed in my mouth, you know it. Help me realize that you can be the monitor of those words and that I will speak words of your wisdom and not words that destroy and are foolishness to you.
You have surrounded me with your protection. Your hand is upon my life. I can't even fathom the depths of this love and your presence in my life, but I am assured that you are present.
Where can I escape the presence of you, O God? Everywhere I look your presence is evident. If I were to go to the top of the highest mountain and search among the life in a tide pool, your fingerprint is established in those. The sunrise and the sunsets are painted with your brush and the stroke of your hands. From the first flake of snow to the last leaf that falls, your mark is upon my life and it surrounds me. I can count on you to guide me through the seasons of my life and the monotony of my days.
Even when I think of the darkest night in the most remote place in my world that I know, you are there. I cannot hide from you. You have known me from conception. You have known from that very moment what choices I would make. You would know of the choices that I would make and the decisions that would lead away from you. Each and every choice was written in the book of my life that you have for me.
Your thoughts, your Word, and your guidance are more precious than anything that I can conceive. You have given me Words to live by, to agonize over, and to encourage others. It is by your Word that I am sustained. O, God, my Father, my Savior, my Comforter, it is you that I can place my security and my fears. You wrap me in the blanket of your love...
Sometimes you just can't do better than David, for vv. 23-24 say:
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts, See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting.
Father, thank you for your words that rush over me and calm me when I seem anxious, comfort me, sustain me. Your Word, O Lord is life to my soul and I want nothing more than you. Amen