Thursday, January 28, 2010

Psalm my words

Today I am feeling quite insecure and in that insecurity, I run to the psalms. Psalm 139 has been one of my favorites so decided in my devotions to write it as a prayer from me. So I have taken David's format and used my words...

O Lord, You know me in ways that no human can even conceive. It is only You who know my innermost thoughts and my fears and my insecurities. You give me confidence when I struggle and humility when I become too proud.

You know when I get up in the morning and you know the totality of my day. It is laid out before you like a tapestry, woven with your love and your presence. You know the choices that I will make. You know what I am thinking and everything that I do is familiar to you.

I don't know what I will say, yet, before a word is even formed in my mouth, you know it. Help me realize that you can be the monitor of those words and that I will speak words of your wisdom and not words that destroy and are foolishness to you.

You have surrounded me with your protection. Your hand is upon my life. I can't even fathom the depths of this love and your presence in my life, but I am assured that you are present.

Where can I escape the presence of you, O God? Everywhere I look your presence is evident. If I were to go to the top of the highest mountain and search among the life in a tide pool, your fingerprint is established in those. The sunrise and the sunsets are painted with your brush and the stroke of your hands. From the first flake of snow to the last leaf that falls, your mark is upon my life and it surrounds me. I can count on you to guide me through the seasons of my life and the monotony of my days.

Even when I think of the darkest night in the most remote place in my world that I know, you are there. I cannot hide from you. You have known me from conception. You have known from that very moment what choices I would make. You would know of the choices that I would make and the decisions that would lead away from you. Each and every choice was written in the book of my life that you have for me.

Your thoughts, your Word, and your guidance are more precious than anything that I can conceive. You have given me Words to live by, to agonize over, and to encourage others. It is by your Word that I am sustained. O, God, my Father, my Savior, my Comforter, it is you that I can place my security and my fears. You wrap me in the blanket of your love...

Sometimes you just can't do better than David, for vv. 23-24 say:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts, See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting.

Father, thank you for your words that rush over me and calm me when I seem anxious, comfort me, sustain me. Your Word, O Lord is life to my soul and I want nothing more than you. Amen

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A long and beautiful weekend....

Steve had Monday off and so we spent the weekend exploring a couple of places.

On Saturday, I was excited to show Steve the place that we saw all the eagles when everyone was here for Christmas... the trees were thick with eagles...I wondered if it was a gift or if that was where the eagles liked to hang out...well, it was a gift. Although we saw many eagles, they were not thick like they were during our drive on Saturday.

But, when we did see them...we stopped and they posed for a picture or two...
What a blessing for our Christmas visitors that they were able to see that amazing sight.
Since we were on Mount Baker, we headed up to Nooksack Falls. One of the first times that Betsy and Jon came out, Jon taunted Betsy until she followed him up the rocks for quite a ways (if you look at the rocks that are far back in the picture, that is where they had climbed) ... that wouldn't have been possible on Saturday. The stream was roaring...It really was a testimony to the power of God and that just a very small part!
During the "dry" season, the falls usually has only one path...on Saturday, the falls split and roared down to the pond at the bottom of the falls...I never cease to be amazed at the power of waterfalls and I could stand there and watch for such a long is usually Steve who calls me away from them! That is really how we ended our Saturday! Well, we did the usual, we did some errands...but that isn't near as exciting as watching God's wonders of nature.Monday came and it was Martin Luther, Jr. Day.
5 years ago, Steve started work in Bellingham.
Since he had the day off, we headed out for the day...not really knowing where we were going...
Before we left for the day, we went to see a very special lady.
(History: Steve and Carol are brother and sister;
Carol is married to Allan; Elsie is Allan's mom)
Elsie was 102 years old last September...yeah, she doesn't look like it OR act like it. We love visiting her and so we had coffee before we went on our merry way on Monday..
We decided to head for Mount Vernon and exchange a couple of things at the outlet mall. BUT...that didn't mean we had to stay on I-5! We took Chuckanaut Drive. With the road right along the water, around every turn was another view that took your breath away. There were little parks, spots that were photo ops and we took many of the unbeaten paths. Some we had taken before, others were was all beautiful!
We had to stop at the grocery store on our way home and we found our little primroses outside calling to spring...but we had to remind ourselves that it was January 18th.
And then we got home and realized that our tulips and other spring bulbs were up! (okay, so if you look, the weeds are up too....)
5 years...a beautiful weekend...and praises go to our Heavenly Father who chose that we were to move here. Praise Him that we were obedient....

Thursday, January 14, 2010


There are so many areas where our prayers are needed, take some time to pray today

For our country, its leaders, and its direction

For Haiti for the people, the destruction, the help that is needed and for the many children who are now trapped in the country who were waiting to be adopted.

For missionaries who were and are in Haiti

For our troops in harms way in our world

For families torn by multiple addictions which create distance instead of love.

For ourselves and our commitment to doing what is right

For today, God desires that we bow our heads and lift our voices for the multitude of injustices in our world.

God, there is no way that we can even begin to pray for the injustice in our land and in our world. Give us the words to pray and the desire to come to you with our heart-felt needs. Keep us focused on the others in our world and less on ourselves. Humble us, give us a submissive spirit, and drench our world with your presence. In your Son's name, AMEN

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More smiles.....

Since I wrote the blog the other day, I have been very aware of what makes me smile so I thought I would add a few:


Raspberry canes in the winter...every field I see, I smile

Sun...just its presence makes me feel happy the NW this is a good thing that I still smile

Mount Baker

My Husband...after 35+ years, I still get excited when he comes home from work or I see him during the day

My daughters' voices when they call me

Betsy's ring tone...okay it is Mazie yelling, "Hi Nana. Hi Ampa. I wuv you. Bye" But right before she speaks, Betsy says, "Go" I love it. I always let it go through the entire "ring" before I answer - no matter WHERE I am.

Talking to my grandchildren on the phone and watching their serious portrayal of Mary and Joseph...

Talking to my sister with Skype and checking her kitchen counter each time...

Meeting with God in the early morning

My alarm...especially when there is a song that reverberates in my soul and carries me through the day and old

A clean house...especially if it is arranged differently.

Surprises...of any kind

Chats with friends


But last night we had our monthly refuge service (our communion service for our church) and what I saw there, made me smile through tears. Men kneeling at the cross, humbled and seeking Him and His presence, taking communion.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What makes you smile?

Today, I began my day with that question on my mind. So, I had the whole day to think about it. So I began my day at a meeting, then went to spend a couple of hours with some fun ladies...MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). I loved being there. I am there to encourage them that there is life after toddlers. I was excited to share that I did have 2 toddlers...but they were my grandchildren. And they make me smile!!!

This little guy and the rubber band make me smile. After Mazie and Simon have come to spend time with us, I usually find these hair bands all over the house...and each time I see one, I smile.
Mr. Squiggles, this Christmas's hottest toy, was lost this Christmas. Well, personally, I think he ran away...I found him yesterday under the laundry room sink and behind the garbage can. Let me tell you, he makes me smile because I knew that when Simon found out Mr. Squiggles was found, he would be I smile.

This morning this was all started when my alarm went off and the song, "I can only imaging" was playing. The thought of standing before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Creator and sustainer of all...I thought...what makes Him smile? I know what makes me smile, all day I was aware of things that make me smile. Text messages, people, friends, phone calls...but what does He smile about in my life?

Then I realized that even if He never smiled at me because of something I have done or said*; what He did when He sent His son to die on the cross was enough. It is enough that Jesus died for me. It is enough that because of that selfless act of love, I am forgiven. It is enough that He has given me His Word to guide my days and to quiet my fears at night. It is enough...
*I do believe that He smiles at us...and maybe sometimes He cries!
When do you smile? Have you ever wondered and were aware of it for a day? Now, when do you think God smiles at you?