Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas...Christmas Eve Very Early

It's Christmas eve...
It is very early...
Today will bring so many "things" that will demand our attentions...
At least that is what will happen in my life!
I could tick off the list right now...
Right now, I want to pause and worship!
Today is the beginning of our remembrance of the birth of Christ.
Born in that lowly manger, the baby, Jesus, was totally reliant on his mother.
I think of our granddaughter, Emma, right now. She can't do anything without the help from Jane and Andy (and anyone who can get their hands on her*.)
She is helpless. I think of her and realize that my Savior was that reliant on Mary and Joseph.
He needed Mary's nurturing. He needed the strength taught to him by his earthly father Joseph.
But think...He was God...He is God...He will always be God.
He submitted himself to the will of His Father to come to earth.
He went through all of the feelings and emotions as we have had or will have.
As He grew...what must His life have been like.
Did He break His foot like Simon did?
Did He love to dance like Mazie?
Did He spin stories like Jane?
Was He serious and compliant like Betsy?
Did He preach when He was 3 like Steve did?
Was He belligerent like me?
The questions could go on and on...and yet, in the very early hours of Christmas Eve, 2010, I like to think...He did...why?
I know that whatever I bring to Him in the form of prayer requests, struggles, and praises He can and does struggle, cry, and laugh with me.
There is nothing that I go through, save sin, that He doesn't understand.
But back to the stable...
Back to the smelly animals...
Back to the noises of the city and the barn...
Back to the fears of a teenage mother...
Back to the the city of Bethlehem...
Jesus is born!
Stop and reflect on what that means to you on this day!
Merry Christmas
*I would love to get my hands on her!

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