Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Have you ever tried to capture a picture of a spider's web?
What about a double rainbow? A hummingbird? A child's secret smile?
Have you ever seen the wonder of fall with the myriad of colors and taken a picture --only to get the picture back and it falls flat?
How do you describe what a fresh blueberry tastes like?
-the beauty and splendor of that last rose in the garden?
-the joy of knowing you will be with family soon?
The spider's web disappears in the foliage; the rainbows melt into the sky. The hummingbirds are a blur of flight; the child's smile vaporizes in the moment it takes to push the button.
There are so many wonders in our world that lack the words to describe and our inability to capture their essence.
This past weekend, Steve and I drove to Canada for the day. We saw beautiful color, torrential rain, dark gray clouds, and didn't take a picture. There are some things that just need to remain captured in our minds. These are pictures that remain in our hearts for years...the color may fade but the circumstances that surround them...keeps the color alive.
This weekend, we didn't take pictures. We just had a great day. How I praise God for the wonders of His creation and the ability to enjoy it. Our Creator God...He has given us so much...and we have so much to thank Him for. Praise His Holy name.

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